As a vibrant and captivating city, Barcelona has become one of Europe’s and the world’s most visited destinations, attracting millions a year. As such it isn’t immune to having issues related to safety as other major tourist destinations like Paris or London where in the former I had the experience of a pickpocket being detained as my first experience in the city.

Common safety concerns

Barcelona is generally safe compared to other major cities as it relates to violence but pickpocketing is commonplace, according to statistics by the city website Pickpocketing accounted for 48.1% of crimes committed in Barcelona. In 2023, the figure was reduced by 22% compared to 2019, from 129,149 incidents to 100,944, but was up by 6.5% compared to 2022 (94,7769). Most offenses occurred in public streets (72.9%)1. It is important to be mindful of making sure you have the best experience in the city without incident an example of which is being aware of your surroundings in heavily frequented areas such as las Ramblas and on public transport where pickpocketing is common often preying on people not paying attention to their stuff.

Safety Tips

First, pay attention to your surroundings and notice anyone getting too close or who seems to follow your movements. While sitting in cafes use common sense and watch your belongings, I’ve seen people ask and look for their phones they left on the table and are no longer there. Also, I’ve seen people who leave their laptops and backpacks at their table while they use the washroom DO NOT do this as you can increase your likelihood of returning not to find your stuff when you get back take it with you, and return to your seat. When using public transport put your backpack or handbag in front where you can see it and probably most important of all leave your passport at the hotel or hostel locker it’s the last thing you want to be taken. 

If unfortunately, you do end up being the victim of theft follow these steps.

Passport/residence permit, National ID 

In this scenario, head to your nearest Mossos d’Esquadra police station to file a report. With this report, you’ll be able to apply for emergency documents at your consulate. Note that most countries have consulates in Barcelona, so generally, you will not need to travel for this. With the police report you’ll be able to process insurance claims as well. As for credit cards be sure to contact your bank to cancel or block your cards to prevent fraud.

 Also for urgent help call 112 the general emergency number.

  1. Council, B. C. (2024, February 19). Crime figures for the city in 2023. Crime figures for the city in 2023 | Info Barcelona | Barcelona City Council. 

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2 thoughts on “Safety in BCN

  1. Great article! I’ve found that as long as you keep your wits about you, bcn is no more dangerous than any other big city. The only thing you have to worry about getting stolen, is your heart

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